Who Can Burn Outdoors?
Anyone can have a recreational fire (without a permit), but they have to follow recreational fire rules.
If people live outside of Sultan’s Urban Growth Area, they can get a burn permit to burn branches and other vegetation. They cannot burn garbage or processed lumber.
If the fire generates a health problem with smoke that flows onto a neighbor’s property, the Fire District can ask that the fire be extinguished. Of course, either the County Fire Marshal or the Puget Sound Clear Air Agency (PSCAA) can also rule that outdoor fires be banned.
Essential Information
Residential Burning Instructions – Snohomish County Planning & Development Service
Burn Permit Ordinance – Snohomish County – revised 2021
Outdoor Burning FAQ with UGA Map – Snohomish County Fire District 5
Outdoor Burning Information & Permits – Snohomish County