Below are the current vehicles/apparatus operated by the district. The apparatus shown are housed at Station 51, our Headquarters. See the History page for our Historical Apparatus:
Early Horse-Drawn Fire Equipment
Early Fire Engines – 1920s- 1940s
Apparatus In Service

CH 51
Year: 2023
Manufacturer: Ford F150
Usage: Incident Command and Response

DC 51
Year: 2018
Manufacturer: Ford Explorer
Usage: Command Response

Year: 2019
Manufacturer: Ford F250
Usage: Command Response

A 51
Year: 2021
Manufacturer: Ford E-450
Usage: Ambulance

A 51a
Year: 2010
Manufacturer: Ford E-450
Usage: Ambulance

A 52
Year: 2020
Manufacturer: Ford 350 4×4
Usage: Ambulance

E 51
Year: 2014
Manufacturer: Pierce
Usage: Pumper
1500 GPM, 750 Gal

E 52
Year: 2002
Manufacturer: HME
Usage: Pumper
1500 GPM, 750 Gal

T 51
Year: 2006
Manufacturer: Kenworth
Usage: Tender
1250 GPM, 3500 Gal

BR 51
Year: 2015
Manufacturer: Ford
Usage: Brush Engine Type 5
150 GPM, 400 Gal

BR 52
Year: 1995
Manufacturer: Stew
Usage: Brush Engine Type
150 GPM, 400 Gal

U 51
Year: 2018
Manufacturer: Ford
Usage: Utility Pickup

HC 51
Year: 2021
Manufacturer: Hovercraft Neoteric
Usage: Boat
6 passenger, 100 PH, Hovercraft with reverse thrust
Retired Apparatus

Engine 51
Year: 2007
Manufacturer: Pierce E-One
Class / Type: 1
Usage: Structure Fire Response
Tank Capacity: 1000 Gallons
Pump Rating: 1500 GPM

Brush 51
Usage: Wildland Response
Tank Capacity: 1000 Gallons
Pump Rating: 150 GPM

Utility 51

Aid 51A
Usage: Transport

Engine 51A
Usage: Structure Fire Response

Aid 51
Usage: Primary Response

Battalion 51
Usage: Command Response