Snohomish County Fire District 5 proudly serves approximately 10,000 people living in the Sultan & Startup areas. We operate out of two fire stations and protect 72 square miles of suburban, rural, and wilderness areas in east Snohomish County.

The department employs a Fire Chief, two Deputy Chiefs, 3 Lieutenants, 6 Firefighter/paramedics, 3 full-time firefighter/EMTs, and 15 part-time/volunteers who respond to approximately 1400 alarms annually. They currently work 48 hours on / 96 hours off. Our desired staffing is 1Lieutenant, 2 Medics, 1 full-time firefighter and 2-3 Part-time firefighters on a rotating shift.

Mission Statement

We, the members of Snohomish County Fire District 5 are dedicated in our efforts to provide for the safety and welfare of the public through the preservation of life, health, property, and the environment.

Fire District Goals

  • Continue efforts to foster a culture of public service that meets the public expectation of professionalism, compassion, and kindness.
  • Develop a plan to lower the insurance ratings in the District.
  • Develop a public safety education program that fosters community resiliency in times of disaster.
  • Develop an organizational structure that integrates full-time, part-time, and volunteer personnel.
  • Find alternatives to apparatus replacement that recognize the increasing initial purchase, maintenance, and fuel costs.
  • Invest in technology that will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the District.
  • Maintain a fiscally responsible financial plan that will support existing levels of service.
  • Pursue a management structure designed to manage and supervise 50 personnel safely.
helicopter & Ambulance

Board of Commissioners

Fire Commissioner Steve Fox

Fire Commissioner Steve Fox
Position: 1
Term: 2020-2026
Ph: 360-793-1179 Ext: 5012

Fire Commissioner Deborah Chase

Fire Commissioner Deborah Chase
Position: 2
Term: 2022-2028
Ph: 360-793-1179 Ext: 5013

Fire Commissioner Kelly Geiger

Fire Commissioner Kelly Geiger
Position: 3
Term: 2018 – 2024
Ph: 360-793-1179 Ext: 5011

Snohomish County Fire District 5 has 3 elected Fire Commissioners who are the governing board that establish funding, administer contracts and assets, set policy, guide strategic planning and ensure the operations are being carried out by hiring key personnel (Fire Chief, etc.).

The Fire Commissioners hold regularly scheduled meetings at the Sultan Fire Station 51, 304 Alder Street at 7:00pm on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. These meetings are open to the public. All meeting schedule changes will be posted with a notice outside the front door of the Sultan Fire Station 51

Command Staff

Deputy Chief Jarrod Spence

Fire Chief Seth Johnson

Deputy Chief Emmy Duros

Jim Fulcher, Deputy Chief - Administration

Jim Fulcher – Family Support Officer


Support Staff

Cathy Barth, District Secretary

Cathy Barth, District Secretary

Lynene Young, Assistant District Secretary

Lynene Young, Assistant District Secretary

History of Snohomish County Fire District 5